Discover Vision Therapy For Athletes

Keen hand-eye coordination, focus and depth perception are key skills that can give you an edge in sports and other athletic endeavours. Whether you’re a professional athlete or a competitive weekend warrior, fine-tuned vision can be the difference between a second or first place finish.

Vision therapy can help improve skills for all sports and all levels of achievement. Strong vision can also reduce downtime caused by visual strain and headaches. Treatments can be tailored to the individual sport and patients are given exercises to practice at home.

An informative session with Dr. Fahara Mawani could be the competitive edge you’ve been looking for; and what gets you across the finish line (or closer to the pin) than ever before.

Is Vision Therapy the right option to assist with for your sports goals?

Click here to download Dr. Mawani’s Sports Vision Therapy Checklist before your appointment. Once complete, please save the PDF and email to [email protected].